Credit Card Terminal

Merchant Stronghold have its Head quartered in Clearwater, Florida. It provides credit card processing services for businesses of all sizes.

Payment Processing Solutions - A Small Business Owners Guide

In the hope that you plan to be competitive in the present marketplace, you must choose the option to begin accepting credit card payments. Be that as it may, many small businesses aren't as readied as they should be keeping in mind the order to manage this function.


Is that your situation? Not exclusively do credit card transactions cost you cash, yet they can open you to unsafe security risks that may compromise your organization's activities and stability.
Yet, in the event that you know how to accept credit card payments in a safe and efficient manner, that will go a long way toward setting up your firm as a successful player in your industry.

Credit Transaction Benefits

Despite entailing processing fees, credit transactions are more efficient and adaptable. They offer merchants — both the on the online and brick-and-mortar variety — a number of tangible benefits, for example,

Expanded sales. Many customers expect you to accept credit cards. In addition to the fact that they are easy for them, however, consumers additionally get benefits by utilizing their card. From cash back to travel rewards, credit card organizations offer liberal advantages to whoever utilizes their cards. This makes shoppers more likely to spring for a vast purchase.
Leveled playing field. Your competition is in all likelihood accepting credit cards. In case you're the odd man out, at that point you're losing deals since you don't offer one of the most common and helpful payment alternatives.

Potential Credit Card Transaction Risks

This isn't to state credit cards are a perfect solution. Likewise, with any payment method, there are some potential disadvantages and risks; such us:

Risk of fraud. Some credit card processing strategies are more secure than others — which we'll talk about later in this article — however, there's always the potential for fraud. This can be exorbitant, and it usually involves a lot of back-and-forth with multiple parties.
Processing Fees. Credit card processing isn't free. You will need to pay one way or another. Most organizations charge a level of each transaction, which includes (particularly when edges are razor thin).

The geniuses of accepting credit cards ordinarily exceed the risks, however, your organization needs to comprehend what it's getting into. With a specific end goal to remain protected and secure, you'll be additional careful about how you continue.

Distinctive Credit Card Payment Options

It's not as easy as choosing you will accept credit card payments, period. There are various distinctive approaches to accept payments, and you'll need to choose the option that is reasonable for you.

  • Merchant account
  • POS system
  • Mobile payment processor
  • Online payment gateway

If you get more information about accept credit card payment, POS System, Merchant Account, Payment gateway you can ask our experts team freely - +1 (888)622-6875.

Some Most Reliable Online Payment Gateways

The world is in a process of digitization. Relatively every business has an online space to have its customers multiplied by expanding its reach. All things considered, numerous organizations have joined hands with a few payment gateways that are vigorous, adaptable and guarantees security to its customers.


Joining hands with the correct payment gateways helps the business to spread their span and to approach customers from across the borders. This additionally decreases the risk of payment failures and furthermore assure them for a more secure and responsive payment processing.

Here are 3 payment gateways, that give you the best security features:

Globepanda Payment Gateway

Globepanda payment gateway is outstanding for its solid and powerful fraud and risks recognizable proof system which has different security features including the check of the card number in the negative database. It additionally checks the IP address from which the payments has been proficient.
There is day by day audits to keep up security certification and this has earned us the Standard of compliance certificate which makes it a dependable and reliable organization. Hailing transactions which are high-risk and might be false don't experience therefore making secure both the merchant and customer data is constantly ensured.

Amazon Pay Payment Gateway

Users have built a trust in Amazon since their shopping background with Amazon has never been frustrating. Utilizing Amazon Pay, this web-based shopping website has offered other online merchants additionally to pick up the comparable trust of the customers.
The Transaction is secured by the Amazon A-to-z Guarantee and online merchants have the consolation of its advanced fraud protection and payment protection policy.

Telr Online Payment gateway

Telr is prime payment gateway and gives you a few brought unified APIs and tools that allow businesses to acknowledge and oversee online payments through the web, mobile and social media like Instagram, Facebook and increasingly and that too with incredible efficiency.
The payment gateway recently launched Telr Secure, making security a best need for ventures.
utilizing an arrangement of calculations and standards to distinguish any markers of the fraudulent transaction and immediately prevent them from happening.

Don't hesitate and perform Payment Gateway Integration right away, harness the true power of online payments and you will be more than impressed with how much this can benefit your business! More information for you can contact us - +1 (888)622-6875

Point-Of-Sale: How to choose your Small-Business Payment Processing Solution?

The point-of-sale system you choose can factor into whether your business develops or not.
Not very many retail organizations - even little ones- still utilize an old-school mechanical cash register. There is essentially an excessive number of simple-to-use digital solutions that will integrate accepting credit cards with some level of record-keeping.


The challenge for the small business owner, in any case, is that payment or point-of-sale (POS) system differ significantly in capacity and cost. There are extremely economical arrangements that take payments and ring up items based on the codes associated with their price tags. A small business owner could likewise pick a POS that tracks inventory over various areas and the internet.
Before picking a POS, you should choose what your necessities are currently and they might be going forward. You may know precisely what you need, or you may choose a system that can develop with you.

Know Your Necessities

Buying a system that can track inventory requires that you input things that you as of now have and new ones as they arrive. On the off chance that you know you're not going to do that, at that point you might not have any desire to spend the cash required to include that type of feature.

In addition, while having meandering sales representatives look at customers out from their smartphones may appeal to you, consider whether it bodes well for your business. Permitting that type of transaction may enable more theft (since it becomes difficult to know who has paid). It likewise has less sense in a business where customers often pay with cash.

Buying a POS is a major decision. Take as much time as is needed and test the same number of as you think you have to before choosing what's appropriate for you.

Merchant Stronghold Provide POS Software services

Verifone VX520 POS hаѕ аll these сараbilitiеѕ and much more. This mаkеѕ it an idеаl point of ѕаlе solution for your Small Business. With Verifone VX520 POS, itеmѕ саn quickly bе рut intо invеntоrу. Dеtаilѕ such аѕ the price (соѕt), dаtе rесеive, mаrk-uр, mаrgin, ԛuаntitу, and description аrе аll available fоr еасh itеm. When prospective buуеrѕ hаvе ԛuеѕtiоnѕ, any infоrmаtiоn that wаѕ there оn the itеm can be easily ассеѕѕ juѕt bу ѕсаnning the рrоduсt.

Cоmрlеtе rероrtѕ are available tо rеviеw invеntоrу lеvеlѕ, invеntоrу value, sales history. Or virtually any аѕресt оf inventory and ѕаlеѕ infоrmаtiоn that is available on thе ѕtоrе роint оf ѕаlе system. In a multi-store еnvirоnmеnt, each ѕtоrе location can have “livе-timе” ассеѕѕ tо invеntоrу information from store tо ѕtоrе. Buyers that аrе looking for a ѕресifiс itеm саn bе there, Whеn that item is рrеѕеnt аt оnе оf уоur other stores.

What are the benefits of Point of Sale for Home-Based Businesses?

Working a home-based business can display its own offer of difficulties. All things considered, it’s still important for the owner to handle inventory management, sales, and announcing in a proficient way. Regardless of whether you offer things on the web or customer come to your home-based business to make purchases, you should have the capacity to ring up sales precisely and streamline whatever accurately procedures as could be expected under the circumstances.


Stock Management

Despite the sort of home-based business that you operate, it's imperative to stay aware of your Inventory. This is frequently a standout amongst the most noteworthy difficulties looked by numerous home-based business owners.

An online spreadsheet can just do as such much, however, a point of sale system designed particularly for home-based organizations introduces the chance to oversee stock rapidly and effectively.

Home-based business owners can pick up understanding into which items sell best and which products may be expelled from stock. With a stock management include on a home-based business POS system, it's likewise feasible for entrepreneurs to decide when they have to reorder stock.

Choose the POS system for Home-Based Business

An assortment of factors should be considered in choosing a home-based business POS system. Each home-based business is unique, and many of the decisions related to the choice point of sale system for your home-based business will rely on the type of business that you work from your home.

By understanding the different abilities of a point of sale system, you will be better ready to settle on a more informed choice with respect to the best type of POS system to meet the needs of your home-based business.

Payment Processing Capabilities

Consider the types of payments that you should have the capacity to process in your home-based business. For example, do customers come to your home to products or online services? Do you offer products online and should have the capacity to acknowledge payments remotely?

Your POS system provides you the ability to acknowledge a wide range of kinds of payments, including debit cards, credit cards, cash, and checks. Moreover, you may wish to consider whether your POS system can acknowledge mobile payments. The ability to apply coupons and discounts can likewise end up being used as far as boosting sales and making customer steadfastness programs.

If you’re looking any kind of information about POS system. You’re in the right place. Merchant Stronghold is Providing POS Software services for different Businesses. Go to the website for Information.

Accept Credit Card Payments for Automotive Tires Stores

Mаnу tirе dеаlеrѕ аrе ѕtill doing invoicing, invеntоrу mаnаgеmеnt аnd accounting withоut thе uѕе of a роint of ѕаlе соmрlеtе business mаnаgеmеnt software solution. Chаnging to a POS саn bе frightеning and оvеrwhеlming; with thе орtiоn tо imрlеmеnt a POS nоt even соnѕidеrеd due to thе perception оf an nоn rеvеnuе соѕt item. Bаѕеd uроn оur сuѕtоmеr input аnd the personal еxреriеnсе of thе реорlе оn оur ѕtаff, we know уоu саn turn уоur рареr intо рrоfit.


Cоnѕidеr thiѕ. I believe thе mоѕt important rеаѕоn fоr уоu tо invest in POS аnd gеtting a соmрlеtе buѕinеѕѕ mаnаgеmеnt software ѕоlutiоn, iѕ Control! With POS ѕоftwаrеѕ such аѕ
Tirе Pоwеr уоu hаvе complete control оf уоur:

Invоiсing (no miѕѕеd trаnѕасtiоn dеtаilѕ $$$)

Inventory Management (knоw inventory lеvеlѕ instantly and сrеаtе work оrdеrѕ in ѕесоndѕ $$$)

Aссоunting (real timе GL transactions, rесеivаblеѕ аnd payables $$$)

For mаnу, juѕtifуing the соѕt оf a роint оf ѕаlе ѕоftwаrе solution is shut dоwn withоut соnѕidеring thе TRUE соѕt ѕаvingѕ tо уоur bottom line. Thе easiest аnd mоѕt imроrtаnt ѕаvingѕ tо rесоgnizе is Timе! Timе saved сrеаting an invоiсе, mаnаging invеntоrу lеvеlѕ аnd ассurаtе ассоunting in rеаl time. How dо you рut a price tag оn timе? The mоrе timе уоu save bу uѕing POS with the more time уоu hаvе to ѕеll ѕеll ѕеll!

Itеmѕ nееdеd tо gеnеrаtе rеvеnuе such аѕ Tire mасhinеѕ, tооlѕ, аlignmеnt rасkѕ аnd ѕеrviсе trucks, individuаllу аrе оnlу involved in a certain percentage оf уоur total trаnѕасtiоnѕ.Pоwеrful POS аlоng with software iѕ invоlvеd in EVERY TRANSACTION EVERY DAY YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR. Nоt only еvеrу trаnѕасtiоn but еvеrу dоllаr уоur buѕinеѕѕ gеnеrаtеѕ!

The роwеrful, yet easy-to-use tооlѕ уоu nееd tо bеttеr manage аnd соntrоl уоur dеаlеrѕhiр operation оf уоur auto tirе business:

  • Intеgrаtiоnѕ with ATD, TCI, аnd mаnу other tirе аnd wheel diѕtributоrѕ across the US аnd Cаnаdа
  • Create accurate Rеоrdеr Rероrtѕ for invеntоrу rеѕtосking in juѕt ѕесоndѕ
  • Imрrоvе shop ѕаlеѕ рrоduсtivitу with роwеrful point-of-sale tооlѕ ѕuсh аѕ Vеrifоnе VX520
  • Quiсklу import suppliers’ саtаlоgѕ fоr invеntоrу ѕеt-uр аnd maintenance
  • Arе уоu a service ѕhор оr wholesaler as wеll? Mеrсhаnt Strоng hоldѕ will hеlр you manage thаt, tоо!

Nоtе: Autоmоtivе tirе stores are еxресtеd tо dо mоѕt оf their business viа terminal if thеу need a рауmеnt gаtеwау оnlinе (contact Merchant ѕtrоnghold tо knоw more about thiѕ)

Important Questions to ask your New Credit Card Processor

You need to choose a new credit card processor. But it is not as easy as it seems, it is a big decision to make. Before making the decision, you must know it includes the fee charged and contracts. Also the customer service department and cost-effective tools available. Do the comparison, study the market and then make the final decision. Let us now discuss it further.


Structure of Fees Charged

When you select such tools, you are accused of a specific measure of the fee. Be that as it may, it is essential to know exactly what precisely those fees are, all the more generally called breakage of the fee. The truth of the matter is that high-risk merchants of the high-chance vendors have no idea about the procedure and end up paying a high amount of fee without really knowing the shrouded high markups in their valuing structure. To process the transaction, an exchange some portion of estimating structure is paid to the card issuer. Aside from this, there is an additional fee that they put on its highest point to acquire benefit. In this way, when you are applying for new credit card processor/merchant payment processor, ask for them to isolate out the exchange fee with the goal that you can have an unmistakable thought regarding how much cash they are making or charging you altogether.

Contract and Time Duration

Whenever a merchant wants to opt for a new credit card processor, he/she needs to sign a contract, which will lock you with them for certain period of time. It is important for high-risk merchants to check for options when shopping around for new processor and also to finalize the processor with shorter time duration instead of multi-year contracts. The advantage of choosing a short-term contract is:

They will work hard for your business to impress you so that you renew the contract instead of shopping for new credit card processor or merchant payment processor once the contract expires. If you end up signing a multi-year contract, you will soon be forgotten and ignored and service quality provided may deteriorate.

Customer Service Department

Efficient and knowledgeable customer service department is like icing on the cake. Get the opinion of the current customers of the credit card processor. Also, find out about their experiences with the customer service department. Look for the processor whose,

Support representatives are knowledgeable and can tackle any kind of issue if arises. Call waiting time is minimum Support representative should be able to resolve issues in the first call and in shortest time duration.

What is Customer Bolster Accessible?

At long last, don't be talked into renting a terminal, which is where customer swipes their cards to pay. Hinke says he has seen fledgling dealers rent a terminal for as much as $139 every month when obtaining one would just cost amongst $200 and $350. On the off chance that you choose to purchase. If you have any question in your mind, you can ask us. Click for more information related to Credit Card Payment

Reliable Online Payment Solution for Training and Coaching Businesses

Five trades of a best online payment system

You want to gain additional income and want your customers to be happy? Mobile commerce is one way to do that. You can accept payment on android, tablet, and IPhone.


A system that makes sure your customers are rightly billed.

Payment gateway capable of establishing money reserve for expansion, emergencies, and retirement without hurdles.

There won’t be painful solutions for the training and coaching business. Your cash flow will be improved and you will be able to resolve customer issues.
There will be end to waste of time and frustrating options.

These are some of the unique features that you are going to get. Our payment systems are recommended by many merchants who are dominating their industries. Some of the key products of merchant stronghold can also been seen in specific industries.

Better Solution for Merchants

Our payment solution is up to date, reliable, fast, and secure. It doesn’t matter which business you are running, you can trust us. Merchant Stronghold’s online payment system can make your operation smoother. We have award winning services and experienced professionals who can settle a payment method that fits your business.

By using our online payment solution, you get more than just a way to process transactions. Our services can add value to your training and coaching business, and help you generate revenue. With our help, your brand will certainly get more exposure and you will be able to satisfy your customers. Here are some of the key factors that we focus upon:

Fast Transactions for your business: We can provide a system that will accept payments fast and instant.

Reliable uptime: A highly stable online payment system that guarantees you protection so that your business can progress.

Data security: You can rest easy because there are quality tools and secure architecture that will keep frauds away from your business.

Value added services: You don’t have to stick with one payment solution, features such as mobile payments and others can also be provided under a reasonable budget.